
Invitation to the Evolution festival - Bio style

13. 03. 2018 | News
Invitation to the Evolution festival - Bio style

We invite you to the Healthy Lifestyle Fair - Evolution Festival (Bio Style), which takes place this weekend from 23 to 25 March 2018!

This festival takes place in Prague's Holešovice. This is the largest action in the field of healthy lifestyle in the Czech Republic. Every year we regularly participate in this festival with our stand.

This year we are going to introduce our brand new product, which is a little bit of another jar. Organic ginger food supplement - Kitl Eligin Organic! At the festival you will have a unique chance to learn the details of this extra strong ginger. And you can also taste it there!

On our Kitl stand you can also taste our Kitl Syrob syrups and medicinal wines.

Come and enjoy the taste of Kitl ;)