
Winning Kitl Mead at Mead Madness Cup PRO 2019

28. 11. 2019 | News
Winning Kitl Mead at Mead Madness Cup PRO 2019

Kitl Mead won beautiful 3rd place in the international competition Mead Madness Cup PRO 2019 in the category of honey, spicy and vegetable meads.

Mead Madness Cup is a traditional competition with international participation. This year our mead "met" with another 90 mead types from 14 countries.

Our Kitl Mead is produced cold from mead and 4 herbs in organic quality (thyme, linden blossom, fragrance and elderberry). It is sweetened only with concentrated grape juice, does not contain any beet sugar and with no added alcohol. Try it!

More about Kitl Mead at