
Non-alcoholic Mojito Kitl

20. 07. 2017 | Video recipes
Non-alcoholic Mojito Kitl

Recipe for non-alcoholic Mojito Kitl


  • Kitl Mint Syrob
  • Soda
  • Fresh mint
  • Lemon and lime

Preparation process:

  1. Cut the lemon and lime into larger pieces.
  2. Add them into a big glass and crush them gently to make the juice.
  3. Add fresh mint, ice and Kitl Mint Syrob.
  4. Big shot of Kitl Mint Syrob is enough for making half a liter Mojito.
  5. Pour soda, mix well and serve.

If you like Mojito and you do not always have a cane sugar and lots of fresh mint, then Kitl Mint Syrob is a clear choice for you. Kitl non-alkoholic Mojito tastes great and refreshes very well. In this form you can also serve it to your children.

But if you prefer classical Mojito, then add to our recipe an extra high-quality white rum and get excellent Mojito that you will be thrilled with.